Taking Action
View the links below to read our recommendations for:
- Families – Protecting a loved one during a suicidal crisis
- Suicide Prevention Groups and Local Communities – A plan for action to reduce a suicidal person’s access to firearms and other lethal means.
- Clinicians – Counseling at-risk patients/clients and their families about reducing access to firearms and other lethal means.
- Colleges and Universities – Steps for assessing and implementing means restriction on campus
Bring the Means Matter Campaign to your state!
Contact us to request a speaker who can:
- Present an introduction to means restriction at your next conference, highlighting key research findings and implications for suicide prevention work.
- Tailor a presentation on means restriction to your audience (e.g. school counselors, PTAs, social workers)
- Provide an in-depth clinical training for health professionals on how to talk with patients safe firearm storage practices, when it might be important to store firearms outside the home, and whom to contact for assistance.
- Discuss the public health approach to reducing suicides, including advice for suicide prevention groups on how to talk about guns without talking about gun laws.