Statewide Programs
State-Level Lethal Means Safety Initiatives
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Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention (Short Version) | Alabama Suicide Prevention and Resource Coalition | David Coombs: | PowerPoint on the why and how to persuade a person at risk to secure firearms (8 slides) |
Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention (Long Version) | Alabama Suicide Prevention and Resource Coalition | David Coombs: | PowerPoint on the why and how to persuade a person at risk to secure firearms (27 slides) |
Do and Learn: Office Visit Means Safety Practice Challenge | Alabama Suicide Prevention and Resource Coalition | David Coombs: | Video for primary care providers on how to persuade a patient/clinic at risk to secure her/his firearms by QPR Institute and ASPAR |
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) | Alabama Suicide Prevention and Resource Coalition | David Coombs: or Suicide Prevention and Resource Center (SPRC) | 5 hour training program for mental health providers re. how to counsel a patient to secure lethal means |
System Change and Firearm Suicide Prevention | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | Meesha Emmett: | Appeal to support local and national programs to prevent firearm suicide |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Statewide Suicide Prevention Council Media Campaign | Alaska Department of Health | Eric Morrison: | In collaboration with communities, faith-based organizations, and public-private entities, the Council works to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans by reducing suicide and its effect on individuals and communities. |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Arizona Suicide Prevention Action Plan | Arizona Department of Health Services | | Convene community-level listening sessions to solicit input on reducing the number of firearm-related suicides in Arizona, and promote local drug take back events to increase awareness of year-round, fixed-site take back locations |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
CALM | Office of Suicide Prevention, CDPHE | Lena Heilmann: | This course is about how to reduce access to the methods people use to kill themselves. It covers who needs lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide—and their families—to reduce access. |
Office of Gun Violence Prevention | Office of Gun Violence Prevention | Jonathan McMillan: | N/A |
Colorado Gun Shop Project | Colorado Firearm Safety Coalition | | Works with retailers, range owners and safety course instructors to add suicide prevention information. |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
CT Suicide Advisory Board | CT Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services | Andrea Duarte: | The state’s suicide prevention advisory and coalition with a Lethal Means Committee focused on firearms, poisoning, signage, etc. Brings together state agencies, Poison Control, NSSF, CT Against Gun Violence, VACT, etc. |
CT Clearinghouse | CT Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services | | The state’s substance prevention resource center and website with materials and a van that can be scheduled for events |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Hawaii Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans, and their Families | Hawaii State Department of Health, EMS & Injury Prevention System Branch | Zerui Renee Yu: | Lethal Means Safety is one of our 3 suicide prevention priorities |
Community Engagement and Partnership | Veteran’s Health Administration | Wendy Schwartz: | Provide lethal means safety statewide through VHA programs |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Firearm Restraining Order/Safe Storage | Illinois Department of Public Health | Jill McCamant: | N/A |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Indiana Governor’s Challenge | Indiana Family and Social Services Administration Division of Mental Health and Addiction | Bryan Schmidt: | Indiana Governor’s Challenge to prevent suicide among service members, veterans, and their families |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
HB247 | Louisiana State Legislature | N/A | Establishes a tax credit for purchases of firearm safety devices |
The Armory Project | The Armory Project | Gala True: | The Armory Project is a partnership with firearm retailers to raise awareness about the problem of firearm suicide, promote secure firearm storage to prevent suicide, and provide temporary storage for Veterans and others |
HB260 | Louisiana State Legislature | | Provides immunity from civil liability for firearm retailers who offer temporary firearm storage services in the event the person harms themselves or someone else, given the firearm retailer followed the law when returning the firearm |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
MA Governor’s Challenge | Massachusetts Department of Public Health | Kelley Cunningham | Prevent suicide among service members, veterans, and their families |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Training on Lethal Means Safety Counseling | Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Sheila Nelson: | Training on lethal means and lethal means safety strategies for providers |
Distribution of Lethal Means Safety Planning Cards | Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Sheila Nelson: | Development and distribution of lethal means safety cards for use with individuals at risk of suicide and their caregivers |
Distribution of Gun Locks | Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Sheila Nelson: | Distribution of gun locks in collaboration with the Maine VA |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Preventing Suicide in Michigan Men | Michigan Department of Health and Human Services | Dr. Kristen Smith: | Telehealth toolkit that includes means safety and means safety campaigns |
Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention | University of Michigan | | N/A |
MIMind | Henry Ford Health System | Dr. Brian Ahmedani: | MI Mind is a statewide partnership with providers and provider organizations. The goal is to prevent suicide and improve outcomes by reducing suicide attempts and deaths. |
Child Welfare Firearm Safety | Michigan Department of Health and Human Services | Seth Persky: | Resources to assist in assuring firearm safety for families in the state of Michigan. |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) | Minnesota Department of Health | | This course is about how to reduce access to the methods people use to kill themselves. It covers who needs lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide, and their families, to reduce access |
Free Gun Lock Distribution | Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs | | MDVA is partnering with the VA Health System to distribute free gun locks |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Safer Homes Collaborative | Safer Homes Collaborative | Katie Ellison (Project Director): | A joint effort between the firearm-owning community and the suicide prevention community to raise awareness that suicide can be prevented through safe firearm storage. |
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means Trainings | Compass Health Network | Lauren Moyer: | This course is about how to reduce access to the methods people use to kill themselves. It covers who needs lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide–and their families–to reduce access |
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means Trainings | Missouri Behavioral Health Council | Katie Horstman: | This course is about how to reduce access to the methods people use to kill themselves. It covers who needs lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide–and their families–to reduce access |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Safer Communities Montana | Montana Department of Health and Human Services | Jess Hegstrom: | SCM is an effort at reducing suicide in Lewis & Clark County through lethal means public awareness and sponsorship from the firearms community |
SB423 | Montana Legislature | N/A | An act generally revising liability related to firearm hold agreements; limiting liability for an individual or private entity that returns a firearm to the owner at the end of a firearm hold agreement |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
SB294 | Nevada State Legislature | N/A | Revises provisions relating to the safe storage of firearms |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Gun Shop Project | NH Firearm Safety Coalition | Justin Moeling, James Esdon | Share materials, developed by and for firearm retailers and range owners, on ways they can help prevent suicide |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Lethal Means Reduction | Office of Mental Health’s Suicide Prevention Center of New York | | Utilize training for NY clinicians from Suicide Prevention Training Innovation Evaluation’s Clinical Practice Institute that was under the leadership of Dr. Barbara Stanly until 2023 upon her death |
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means Trainings | Office of Mental Health’s Suicide Prevention Center of New York | | Utilization of CALM trainings and education for the Zero Suicide model and lethal means education in healthcare settings and with first responder programs |
Lethal Means Programming and Education for Veterans | Office of Mental Health’s Suicide Prevention Center of New York | | Training and education with state and local coalitions for suicide prevention and veterans initiatives for lethal means conversations and strategies |
The Governor’s Challenge for Suicide Prev in Veterans Service Members and Families | OMH SPCNY and others | | N/A |
Lethal Means Education and Training | AFSP NY Chapters | N/A | N/A |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
NC S.A.F.E (Secure All Firearms Effectively) | NC Department of Public Safety | | Media campaign that promotes safe storage |
Firearm Safety Teams | NC-DHHS | | Supports creation of firearm safety teams to address safe storage on the county and community level |
Senate Bill 41 | General Assembly of North Carolina | N/A | Policy to launch a statewide firearm safe storage awareness initiative to educate the public about the importance of the safe storage of firearms, and to facilitate the distribution of gun locks |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
CALM Training | Fargo VA Health Care System | Sarah Kemp Tabbut | Counseling on access to lethal means trainings provided to organizations that request the training |
North Dakota Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Service Member, Veteran, and Family Suicide | North Dakota Suicide Prevention Coalition | Michelle Panos: | ND Cares is the lead agency (and the ND Suicide Prevention Coalition is a partner) for the ND Governor’s Challenge, which is a multi-agency, state-wide effort to develop and implement suicide prevention best practices for service members, veterans, and their families using the public health approach |
Be Smart for Gun Safety | Be Smart | Lyn Pinnick: | Be SMART is a framework that parents, caretakers, and community leaders can follow to help keep their communities safe. |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Life Side Ohio (LSO) | Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation | | LSO partners with gun retailers, veteran-serving organizations, and public safety personnel and agencies to reach a vast array of gun owners in Ohio |
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) | Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation | | OSPF, through a SAMHSA GLS Grant, holds a series of in-person CALM and Convo CALM Trainings |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Oregon CALM Live Training | Oregon Health Authority | Meghan Crane: | Oregon adapted CALM live training under CALM America umbrella |
ERPO | Oregon Health Authority | Meghan Crane: | ERPO in place. Can be requested by family/household member or law enforcement |
Addressing Firearm Safety with Patients at Risk of Suicide virtual, on-demand training | Oregon Health Authority | Meghan Crane: | Free, virtual on-demand training designed to help primary care physicians and other types of health care providers working in rural settings develop better communication skills, comfort, and confidence when having conversations about firearm safety with patients who are suicidal. |
People Who Love Guns Love You Brochure | Oregon Health Authority | Meghan Crane: | Brochure created to engage rural firearm owners based on research |
Oregon Firearm Safety Coalition | Oregon Firearm Safety Coalition | Donna-Marie Drucker: | The Oregon Firearm Safety Coalition (OFSC) mission is to prevent firearm suicides in Oregon through voluntary community-led strategies |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Over the Counter Does Not Mean on The Counter | Rhode Island Department of Health | | Campaign to encourage safe med storage and disposal. Includes distribution of med lock bags by prevention coalitions |
Distribution of Gun Locks (Veterans) | Rhode Island Department of Health | | Through our SSG Fox Veteran Suicide grant gun locks can be distributed to veterans receiving case management services |
Distribution of Locks (Public) | Rhode Island Department of Health | | Through our GLS Youth Suicide Grant gun locks can be purchased and distributed at public outreach events |
Safe Storage Sites | Rhode Island Department of Health | | We are in the process of identifying sites interested in becoming a safe firearms storage site for individuals who are experiencing mental health crises. We are in the very early phases and have been working with Hold My Guns to bring this model to RI |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
CALM | Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network | | Counseling on Access to Lethal Means training |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Lock and Talk Virginia | Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services | and Jordan Brooks: | Lock and Talk promotes lethal means safety and teaches community members how to have conversations about preventing suicide through evidence-based trainings |
Keep It Secure | US Department of Veterans Affairs | N/A | The VA Keep It Secure program promotes awareness about the simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your family |
Governor’s Challenge of Virginia | Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services | | Lock and Talk was adopted as the lethal means safety component of the Governor’s Challenge in Virginia, helping prevent suicides among service members, veterans, and their families |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
GunSafe VT | Vermont Department of Mental Health | Eugenia Cowles, | Public campaign to promote safe storage of firearms, distribute gun locks, and support temporary storage of firearms outside of a home during times of crisis |
Lethal Means Safety Resource Guide: Suicide Prevention | Vermont Department of Mental Health | Deana Chase, | Vermont clearinghouse of programs, resources, and support for organizations to promote lethal means safety |
Lethal Means Safety Resource Guide: Youth-Focus Prevention | Vermont Department of Mental Health | Deana Chase, | Vermont clearinghouse of programs and resources to support lethal means safety with youth, families, and schools |
Vermont Emergency Department Suicide Prevention Quality Improvement Initiative | Vermont Department of Mental Health | Hillary Wolfley, | Statewide initiative to implement Zero Suicide framework within hospital emergency departments (ED) that includes training for ED staff on lethal means counseling and the distribution of free gun locks |
Northern New England Poison Control Center and Safe Kids Vermont | Vermont Department of Mental Health | Gayle Finklestein, | Youth self-poisoning and medication safety toolkit and training for medical providers |
Be Smart for Kids | Be Smart | | Shares information on keeping families and children safe through secure firearm storage |
Vermont Child Health Improvement Program Safe Storage for Primary Care | VCHIP | Thomas Delaney, | Online training video program that models ways for primary care providers to counsel on safe firearm storage |
H.230 | Vermont General Assembly | N/A | An act related to implementing mechanisms to reduce suicide and community violence |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Suicide Prevention Training for Health Professionals | Washington State Department of Health | | Many healthcare professionals are required to take a 6 hour suicide prevention with 30 minutes included on assessing imminent harm via lethal means, including how to talk with patients and their supporters. All pharmacists are required to have this content in a 3 hour course. |
Program or Policy Name | Organization Name | Contact Info | Description |
Firearm Research Center | Firearm Research Center | N/A | Bipartisan group providing messaging and event planning assistance |